The Female Home Improvement Franchise Owner San Antonio Customers Can Trust

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The Female Home Improvement Franchise Owner San Antonio Customers Can Trust

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It’s no secret that the home improvement and renovations industry is a field that has largely been dominated by men. But today, Jamie Eylar, franchise owner of Handyman Connection in San Antonio, is making the home improvement industry more accessible and approachable to local homeowners, and her efforts to decrease the number of women shying away from tackling these responsibilities have not gone unnoticed in her community. Her story is inspiring, and I think your readers will agree!

Jamie is a current resident in the San Antonio community of Boerne. As a single woman and small business owner, Jamie is all too familiar with stereotypes around the likelihood of unfair customer treatment in many male-dominated industries. The home-improvement industry was no exception.

Women tend to shy away from tasks within many of the male-dominated industries,” she said. “Whether automotive care or home improvements, women risk being taken advantage of by professionals.”

Owning a home improvement franchise like Handyman Connection gave Jamie the ability to ensure that every one of her customers is treated fairly and ethically. By hiring trustworthy employees with similar mindsets, she ensures her business is a safe service for people going through the home services and renovation process.

I’m so proud of the level of service that our Handyman Connection franchise provides our customers,” Jamie said. “People will ask for specific contractors by name simply because of the level of care that they put into each and every project.”

With over 60 locations in North America, Handyman Connection links the best local handyman services and master craftsmen to individuals in their community. Each of Handyman Connection’s service areas is staffed by top-tier teams of trustworthy professionals who are eager to assist in home improvements of all sizes.

*Featured Image Courtesy: Handyman Connection


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