4 Research-Backed Ways Lifting Weights And Eating Right Improve Mental Health

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4 Research-Backed Ways Lifting Weights And Eating Right Improve Mental Health

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One of the greatest injustices is the fact that lifting heavy weights and eating a lot of protein has become associated with stupidity and immaturity. You know the stereotype: musclebound gorillas spend all their brainpower squatting and plotting their next protein shake — it’s the skinny kid in the library who actually has his priorities straight. People who will actually go far in life realize that lifting and dieting is a silly pursuit in vanity.

These stereotypes are utterly tragic because the science is rock solid: a person who wants to do everything they can to improve their brainpower and mental health should, in fact, dedicate time to lifting weights and eating to gain some muscle. Stepping up to a loaded barbell, yes, is a very good way to build an aesthetically pleasing physique, but a six pack is secondary to the longevity and mental benefits that accompany a session under the iron.

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