Louisville Tile Elevates to promote training, tactics and team-building

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Louisville Tile Elevates to promote training, tactics and team-building

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Louisville Tile Distributors, Inc. (“Louisville Tile”) held its first ever company-wide team building and recognition events earlier this fall. Over 80 Louisville Tile employees gathered together for a week-long conference at the famous Galt House® Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky for a week-long conference.  Members of all 13 branches attended five days of seminars on self-growth, client-oriented learning, and collaborative activities. Sessions covered everything from sales strategy to marketing to new in-house technologies. Every day’s seminars built towards the primary goal of better serving clients and customers.

Sales teams, branch managers, and warehouse managers worked hand-in-hand to hone their management skills and develop market specific plans for. All team members focused on the company’s vision of working together to identify individual goals and challenges and to acquire technical training to advance the mission of making Louisville Tile the most technologically advanced company in the industry.

In addition to team-building activities and continuing education, this mega event included an awards dinner celebrating Louisville Tile staff and branches and acknowledging their many accomplishments in 2022. Crosby Hall, Executive Vice President of Corporate Resources, summed up the event by stating, “The event was about sharing what we’ve accomplished in 2022, where we are going and what are our plans to accomplish just that. Celebrating what we’ve done and empowering our team to elevate themselves… empowering them to think strategically and not just be order-takers.”

A week later, Louisville Tile held an Executive Strategic Retreat at the iconic French Lick Resort in French Lick, Indiana. Both Executive and Senior Management Teams gathered together to plan for the 2023 strategic plan. With the assistance of a professional leadership coach, Louisville Tile is proud to announce that next year’s strategic plan will focus on which will focus on strengthening internal communications, enhancing collective cohesion, and creating an even stronger overall spirit of teamwork.

Matthew Saltzman, Louisville Tile’s Chief Executive Officer commented, “Our executive retreat focused on not only getting to know each other personally and creating bonds, but helping our team create total alignment of vision and mission. The teams were able to identify their individual roles as well as move forward by recognizing the high priority and high payoff items for 2023. This strategic retreat ensures a most successful future for our company and for our leaders themselves.

“Helping each team member to understand how one department’s priorities impact other department priorities… gets everyone on the same page and ultimately… on the critical path to success. Our goal is to have all departments, all branches, and all employees work closely around Louisville Tile’s annual goals and tasks and in doing so, unite as one to achieve our corporate objectives. Our plan is to work hard, play hard and persevere in elevating to 2023 and beyond,” Saltzman concluded.

About Louisville Tile Distributors, Inc.

Family owned since 1955, Louisville Tile has provided industry leading state of the art tile and setting material solutions for over 65 years. The company has grown into the leading independent distributor in the Midwest. With 13 branches across 6 states including IL, IN, KY, MI, OH, and TN Louisville Tile is highly focused on both organic and acquisitive growth with a strong investment program in people, technology, and processes.

For more information, please contact Morgan Tiemann  MTiemann@louisville-tile.com

*Featured Image Courtesy: Louisville Tile

Louisville Tile Team at the firm’s Elevate Event 2022:

Crosby Hall, Randall Lyons, Dub Newell, Brian Combs, Molly Henderson, Tammy Henry, Tony Visco, Tina Boyle, Matt Lehr, Guy Ventimiglia, Dan Clark, Matt Saltzman


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