5 Most-Talked About Commercial Roofing Trends

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5 Most-Talked About Commercial Roofing Trends

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The commercial roofing industry is booming. According to Maximize Market Research, the global commercial roofing market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.2% and reach $15.15 billion by 2027. With the increasing boom, many changes are also happening in the commercial roofing sector.

It can be challenging to keep up with all of the new trends. In this blog post, we’ll highlight some of the most talked-about trends in the world of commercial roofing so that you can stay ahead of the curve. Central Texas commercial roofing companies offer many services for both commercial and residential properties.

Greener Roofs

Being green is in, and this also goes for the roof of your commercial building. Green roofs are a great way to reduce energy costs and manage stormwater runoff, but they’re not just environmentally friendly. They can also save you money.

  • Reduce Energy Costs: A green roof helps cool your building during the summer months, helping to reduce how much air conditioning you need to run to keep it cool. This saves money on energy costs associated with keeping your business running smoothly.
  • Manage Stormwater Runoff: The first use of green roofs was to reduce flood risk by absorbing rain before it reaches city streets or drains into rivers or lakes. Green roofs help manage stormwater runoff by replacing concrete with permeable materials that prevent runoff from entering city sewer systems and causing flooding elsewhere. 

This reduces flooding risk for nearby homes/businesses and increases property values by decreasing the likelihood of contamination from contaminated water entering local streams/rivers due to flooding on private property next door.

The benefits of using green roofs go beyond you alone. Reduced energy consumption will ultimately benefit the environment. Moreover, green roofs can also help facilitate smart city development. According to an article published in the ScienceDirect journal, green roofs play a vital role in the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) nexus. Additionally, multi-layer green roofs can help with smart and resilient city development,

Photo-Voltaic Solar Panels

One of the most popular trends in commercial roofing is solar panels, an excellent option for business owners looking to reduce energy costs and become more environmentally responsible. These systems are perfect for small businesses that don’t have much roof space available, and they’re also cost-effective since they require little maintenance once installed.

The use of solar energy is encouraged by the government. Hence, you can leverage many tax and incentive benefits programs from the government by installing solar panels. With this, you will also be embracing future technology. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, solar power could account for as much as 40% of the total US energy supply.

If you plan to install a solar roof on your commercial property, it is best to hire professionals. Roofing can be dangerous. According to Roofing Contractor, the number of roofing deaths is decreasing, but it remains one of the top 3 deadliest occupations in the USA.

A commercial roofing contractor will have the right expertise, tools, and resources to ensure roofing installment with utmost safety. Moreover, a contractor will see that the installation is perfect and leave no scope for error. Hence, if you want to get a complicated solar panel installation done right the first time, hire a commercial roofing contractor.

Cool Roofs

Cool roofs are roofing materials that reflect sunlight and come from white or light-colored surfaces. They’re trendy in desert regions, where heat can significantly concern homeowners. Some cool roofing options include metal, concrete, and asphalt shingles with a reflective coating.

If you have an older roof that’s beginning to show its age, replacing it with a cool one can help you save money on energy costs over time. According to a ScienceDirect article, using cool roofs can help with 15% to 35% based on climatic zones.

Cool roofs can also help with indoor comfort. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the roofs can reach up to 150℉ on summer days. Cool roofs can help reduce the roof heat by 50℉, increasing indoor comfort. This indoor comfort is vital for businesses as the discomfort can reduce employee productivity.

Use of Drones

Drones are increasingly used to help with roof inspections, damage assessment, and repair. In fact, it’s not uncommon for drones to be used during the planning process for roof repairs. This can be especially useful in cases where there have been multiple previous repairs or when the problem is not immediately apparent.

For example, suppose a roof has been patched over numerous times but still leaks in places. In that case, a drone could pinpoint where water may be leaking through damaged areas of metal flashing or panels that were not appropriately replaced after previous repairs.

According to an article published in the Frontiers journal, the use of AI and drone technologies can help everyone, from owners to real estate agents and insurance companies to roofing contractors. For instance, AI-enabled drones can inspect imagery captured by drones to find missing shingles.

Increasing Use of Mobile Applications

The increasing use of mobile applications is one trend that will have a lasting impact on the commercial roofing industry. Some apps are even being used for more than just simple information gathering. Many are equipped with features that help you record and share data, check warning messages from your boss, and even let you take photos of your job site so you can show them off to friends back home.

Mobile applications allow employees greater freedom when working outside the office. Since they don’t need as much space or equipment, they’re free from needing access to any particular location to get things done. Plus, they can bring their tools along, which also saves money on rental fees.


As you can see, the commercial roofing industry is slowly but surely moving towards more sustainable practices. While the change may seem slow, it’s important to remember that this is a long-term trend and will take time before we see significant changes across the board. We hope this blog post has given you some insight into what’s happening in our industry today and an idea about where things might be headed in future years.

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