Rockler Wins Pro Tool Innovation Awards for Deluxe Panel Clamps and Clamping Hose Holders

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Rockler Wins Pro Tool Innovation Awards for Deluxe Panel Clamps and Clamping Hose Holders

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Family-owned Rockler Woodworking and Hardware, a premier retailer of woodworking tools and supplies, has earned two Pro Tool Innovation Awards for 2022. In the Woodworking and Carpentry category, Rockler earned an award for the Deluxe Panel Clamps, which feature rigid steel cauls that sandwich your panel to keep it flat. Rockler also earned an award in Accessories and Fasteners for the Clamping Hose Holders, powerful spring clamps with integral straps that hold a 2-1/2″ dust collection hose.

Pro Tool Innovation Awards are among the most sought-after awards across several industries. To choose their winners, PTIA staff members assemble a diverse team of judges, including contractors, construction business owners, tradesmen and media professionals, with the goal of finding the most innovative new tools on the market. After countless hours of evaluating several hundred of the top candidates, PTIA judges chose these two Rockler products for their innovative features, ergonomics and value.

“Any product can undergo incremental changes,” said Kenny Koehler, editor-in-chief at PTIA. “Pro Tool Innovation Award winners tend to buck trends and bring much more to the table.” Dan Wenning, Senior Director of Product Development at Rockler had this to say, “We’re honored to receive these awards. Our team works hard at coming up with great ideas that will be useful in the shop, and follows through by designing every tool to be the best it can be.”

Writing about the Deluxe Panel Clamps, the PTIA editors had this to say: “It can be tough to get perfectly flat panels, and any imperfections leave you with that much more work to do at the end. Rockler’s Deluxe Panel Clamps are your solution. Securing panels from 3/4″ to 3″ thick and 10″ to 36″ wide, they wrap the panel and apply pressure from all four sides to hold your work flush while the glue dries. There’s no need to stagger a series of clamps or worry about coming back to buckled pieces later in the day.”

About the Clamping Hose Holders, the PTIA editorial team writes, “When you’re using woodworking tools that don’t have a dust port adapter, you have to get creative if you want to capture the mess. Rockler’s Dust Right Clamping Hose Holders make it much easier by holding the hose, and clamping it to the most convenient surface near your work piece. It’s smart, and for less than $15, it’s a no-brainer to add to your workshop.”

The Rockler® Deluxe Panel Clamp is priced at $119.99 (67164). The Clamping Hose Holders are priced at $14.99 for a pack of 2 (62840). Both are available exclusively through Rockler by going to, Rockler retail stores nationwide, or ordering through the Rockler catalog. For store locations or a free catalog, visit or call 1-877-ROCKLER (toll free).

About Rockler Woodworking and HardwareCelebrating its 68th anniversary as a family-run business, Rockler Woodworking and Hardware is the nation’s premier supplier of specialty hardware, tools, lumber and other high-quality woodworking products. Rockler has 41 retail locations across 24 states, as well as numerous independent resellers and extensive catalog and internet operations.

To learn more about Rockler, please visit or call 1-877-ROCKLER, and follow us on social media:


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