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LEDI’s latest innovation––the Inspire V4 LED Tape Light––is coated with new polyurethane “film” technology called NanoSKN that seals and protects circuitry and LEDs, runs cooler, maintains brightness, eliminates color shifts, and does not yellow or become brittle over time.
“Another breakthrough feature that makes the V4 a game-changer,” said CEO Nick Senofsky, “is our low-profile ‘snap’ connector. Unlike other LED products where the hardware sits on top of the wire, the V4 has a patented electrical connector that securely snaps around the strip. This firm connection between strands allows the light to handle the current needed to connect multiple lines while maintaining even light throughout the space.”
The V4 can be cut into 4-inch dimmable sections, resulting in more flexible layouts and maximum lighting control. Other built-in pluses include three times the copper content over standard LED tape light, the use of 3M VHB adhesive, super-efficient LED chips and LEDI’s ECT––exact color technology for unmatched LED color consistency.
The V4 is simple to install, and the only product today with in-wall rated lead wires that lets users hook directly into breakers with no additional wiring.
“All the advantages we built into the V4 LED Light Tape,” said Mr. Senofsky, “ensure our LEDs deliver superior color consistency, more light with less power and longer runs with less voltage drops than any other product out there.”
LEDI is a lighting manufacturer headquartered in Houston, Texas. The company was founded in 2010 and provides elegant, customized, and transformational lighting solutions worldwide using cutting-edge technology and inspired design.
For more information or to schedule an interview with LEDI CEO Nick Senofsky, call Pamela St. Martin at 832-971-8429 or email her at pamela.stmartin@ledinspirations.com.


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Sanzari Completes Multi-Million-Dollar Glenpointe Marriott Project

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