S.A.F.E. & L.A. County Fire Helicopter Maintenance

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S.A.F.E. & L.A. County Fire Helicopter Maintenance

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Photo Courtesy: S.A.F.E. Structure Designs

S.A.F.E. Structure Designs and L.A. County Fire Department team up to develop a custom ergonomic set of maintenance stands for the B412.  The SAFETY FIRST ergonomic stands allow technicians SAFE access to perform maintenance on the engines, transmission, and main rotor systems of their H412 aircraft.
These stands are lightweight and easy to move around. The custom design is compact enough to fit in a busy hangar yet provides plenty of space on the work platform increasing both safety and efficiency for the maintenance staff.   The stands allow for multiple technicians to be working on the aircraft at the same time without impeding each other.  With the technician’s ability to perform either complete overhauls or routine maintenance, these stands are designed to give the best of both worlds.   S.A.F.E. will also offers several modifications options for B412 maintenance stands depending on the individual customer’s aircraft application.
Dennis Blumenthal, the Director of maintenance for L.A. County Fire has 24 years of experience working on these aircraft. Dennis advised S.A.F.E. on maintenance tips and designs suggestions that S.A.F.E. eagerly incorporating into the innovative which provide the most efficient and safe working environment for both routine maintenance and heavy maintenance.
“Dennis is one of the coolest guys in the industry.   Everybody in the industry seems to know him and everybody certainly looks to him for advice… to include us at S.A.F.E. Structure.  I am humbled and honored that Dennis has always been willing to open up his hanger to S.A.F.E. Structure and assist us with his knowledge from many years of experience.” said Johnny Buscema, S.A.F.E. CEO.  “In past years, we worked with Dennis to develop Firehawk custom platforms that turned out to be an industry standard for Firehawk maintenance.  We believe these custom B412 stands meet the same high standards.  God has blessed SAFE structure and the Aerial Fire Industry with having Dennis around.
S.A.F.E. Structure Designs is the global leader in maintenance support equipment that strives to put safety first.  S.A.F.E. listens to the needs of the maintenance teams and designs custom equipment to the exact specifications that consider realistic ergonomic factors as well as efficiency.  S.A.F.E provides the answers to the unique challenges of working on complex aircraft.


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