4 Delays During Renovation Projects & What To Do

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4 Delays During Renovation Projects & What To Do

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Conducting a renovation project is one of the most exciting endeavors you can take on. At the end, your home or business will have an updated style and brand-new construction!
But occasional hiccups can happen and slow down the renovation process, and you need to be ready. Managing the project during bad weather and through legal processes takes a lot of patience and time.
Learn more about how these can affect your construction project and what to do with our guide!

1. Pests

If you are working through your renovations and find an infestation of pests, you will need to address it! If you don’t, the problem will persist even after your project is finished.
In some cases, when you have tons of pests, renovations and construction can reveal the source of the infestation and make the removal more effective.
If you stumble across this issue, you will need to consult specialists like GTA Pest Control rather than try to DIY the solution. Consulting a professional is both safer and gets you better results.

2. Mold

Coming across mold while you renovate is one of the worst-case scenarios. Mold can be corrosive to your home and dangerous to your health if not taken care of! If you live in a tropical, humid area like Florida, then finding mold is much more common.
You should be careful about removing and checking for mold – some variants, like black mold, shouldn’t just be wiped away with a cloth. They require expert assistance. Black mold is a specific variety known to cause serious health problems like asthma, coughing, sickness, and respiratory infections.
If you encounter this in your renovations, your team will have to remove it with specialized gear and tools. This could potentially add a few weeks or months to your project.

3. Weather

Bad weather can slow down your construction project because it prevents your workers from being able to do their work safely – especially if there are thunderstorms with lightning in the area.
There isn’t very much you can do with delays like this other than plan ahead: if you plan to have your project finished before the stormy season, you will be less likely to have weather-related delays.
Snowstorms can also be a problem and force your project to a standstill, so if you live in cold climates with winter storms, planning for a spring or summer renovation would help prevent these delays.

4. Legal Paperwork

Numerous laws regulate construction and renovation projects in residential areas. Things like the addition of new garages, vehicle covers, and home expansions may require legal validation by an engineer.
This is because certain areas are zoned to function with only one purpose, and if you make a change to alter this, it could go against zoning laws. There are also occasional disputes over property lines, which a certified environmental engineer or surveyor could verify.
Getting legal validation and approval takes time – at least a few weeks and even over a month in some cases. Starting this process as early as possible could help expedite this task, but ultimately the timing relies on other individuals.

Final Thoughts

Remodeling, renovating, and new construction projects take patience. You mustn’t let the setbacks get to you: keep your goal in sight. Think of how wonderful it will be when the project is completed to perfection.
No problem is insurmountable with a positive approach, good communication, and the right expert assistance. Follow our tips and smooth the path to your renovation!


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