New Kensley™ Stone Thin Veneer from Oldcastle

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New Kensley™ Stone Thin Veneer from Oldcastle

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Oldcastle Architectural, the leading national manufacturer of stone and masonry products, has introduced a new product to the Artisan Masonry Stone Veneers® line, which is part of the newly launched Echelon® brand. Kensley Stone Thin Veneer is available in three color options which may be field blended to provide six total color options and is designed specifically to combine the timeless aesthetics of natural limestone with quick and easy installation.  Ideal for both commercial and residential construction, Kensley Stone ensures long-lasting, beautiful results due to its unmatched strength and durability not typically found in most manufactured stone lightweight veneers.
“Kensley Stone is the latest thin veneer to be added to the Artisan Masonry Stone Veneers family of products,” said Ken O’Neill, EVP, Sales, Marketing & Product Development, Oldcastle Architectural.   “Unlike similar stone products, this lightweight stone aggregate is the perfect complement for virtually any interior or exterior application due to its tight dimensional tolerance. And the color is integrated throughout every stone, not just the surface, for lasting beauty.”
Echelon’s Kensley Stone veneer boasts a traditional ashlar pattern with a 3/8” mortar joint to blend upscale looks with minimal installation time and costs.  Easy to clean and resistant to salt, water and thaw damage, each stone also offers superior compressive strength compared to typical adhered veneers, while avoiding unwanted flanges on the back of the stone. Intended for non-bearing applications, the lightweight veneers require no footings.
The Echelon brand was recently introduced to encompass Oldcastle’s vast portfolio of innovative masonry products and services in addition to making the complete offering easier to identify, select and purchase.  It includes Trenwyth® Architectural Masonry block; Artisan® Masonry Stone Veneers, Quik-Brik® concrete masonry brick alternative; Architectural Concrete Masonry Units (regionally produced); Amerimix® bagged blends; and Performance Upgrades such as EnduraMax™ Wall System and InsulTech™System.
More information on Kensley Stone Thin Veneer as well as Oldcastle’s leading line of products and services can be found at the company’s new Echelon branded website located at
About Echelon Masonry
Echelon is the consolidated brand for all masonry products and services of Oldcastle Architectural including Trenwyth® Architectural Masonry, Artisan Masonry Stone Veneers®, Quik-Brik® Concrete Masonry Units, Amerimix® Bagged Goods and a complete portfolio of Performance Upgrades. As a single source masonry portfolio solution, Echelon delivers consistent, reliable product manufactured locally at more than 170 locations and delivered by an unrivaled logistics network.
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