Studio TK New Sante Side Chairs & Stools

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Studio TK New Sante Side Chairs & Stools

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Studio TK announced the introduction of Santé, a series of light and agile side chairs and stools to support movement in today’s modern, flexible work environment.

As the French celebrate by saying, “Àvotre santé” or “to your health,” award-winning designer Patrick Norguet incorporated this mentality by creating a level of elegance and comfort with his latest project, Santé.

“The origins of the Santé chair come from chairs of the 1960s era and their ability to add a level of dimension to any room,” says Patrick Norguet.

“I have always found this era of furniture attractive and tried to infuse this design with a simple and livable chair. For me, comfort is always the priority, but a visually beautiful piece of furniture is just as important and can create a unique atmosphere.”

Santé brings an assortment of seating possibilities that will work in various settings across the office. Simple yet smart, Santé is light and agile for movement and is comfortable for hours of work, meetings, or just relaxing. The collection is adaptable for an extensive range of customization, eliminating the “institutional” feel of café style seating. Santé projects a lifestyle-oriented sensibility that softens the office landscape and expresses a more casual work culture. Santé’s frame is available in 16 powder coat finishes as well as chrome. The seats and backs have five wood veneer finish options or can be upholstered in a variety of textile combinations.

StudioTKisacontractfurniturecompanyfocusedondevelopingsocialapplications.Launchedin2013, StudioTK is committed to helping architects and designers harness the power of social spaces to build a culture of choice, connection and community in the workplace–all in service of improved well-being and greater productivity. For more information, visit:

For more information in the U.S.: Oona Walsh, Director of Marketing, 877-835-6466,

For more information in theU.S.: OonaWalsh, Director of Marketing 877-835-6466


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