5 Ways Conveyors Improve Factory Safety

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5 Ways Conveyors Improve Factory Safety

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Conveyors can make a huge difference in the safety of your factory floor. Hence, here are five great ways they can improve factory safety:

  • Reduce Material Handling Hazards

Conveyors reduce the risk of injury when workers have to handle materials manually. Conveyors help lower this number by reducing manual lifting and carrying. This reduces the risk of back injuries, which are common during material handling tasks such as lifting and carrying pallets or with boxes full of heavy products.

Conveyor belt systems can also reduce damage to products that are transported through a factory because they prevent mishandling and drops during transport, which can break fragile items or cause them to lose their shape. Improve conveyor performance and prevent material spillage with high-quality conveyor skirting rubber designed for durability and efficiency.

  • Automated Processes

Automation is a key part of conveyor safety. Automated processes reduce the risk of human error, repetitive motion injuries, accidents, and injuries from moving parts.
Automated systems include:

  • In-Feed/Out-Feed 

Tables that automatically feed new products to or remove finished products from conveyors. These automated systems can be used to prevent workers from reaching into the conveyor to grab items that have fallen off the line or been rejected by quality control.

  • Turntables (Also Called Rotary Tables) 

Allow for easy product loading onto and removal from conveyors without requiring workers’ hands inside the machine area where they would be exposed to moving parts and other hazards such as pinch points or electric shock hazards.

  • Changeovers 

Automated changeover devices allow operators to switch out one product type for another with minimal effort while reducing exposure time within hazardous areas such as those containing electric motors, gears, and pulleys. 

These changeover devices also ensure that products are properly aligned before being fed onto a belt so they do not fall through cracks between belts leading up into dangerous areas such as grinders or mills where pieces could get lodged inside, causing damage that would require expensive maintenance calls before getting back up running again.

  • They Can Be A Solution For Working With Hazardous Chemicals

Conveyors can be a solution for working with hazardous chemicals. This is because conveyors can be used to transport hazardous materials, waste, and emissions. For example, conveyors are often used to transport chemicals in manufacturing plants or refineries. When it comes to waste disposal, a conveyor belt can be used to move the waste from one place in the factory to another to transport it while keeping people out of harm’s way.

In addition to transporting dangerous substances around a factory or refinery, conveyors are also helpful when it comes time for workers to clean up spills or leaks on their own initiative or as part of an emergency response plan. Conveyor belts can help workers move chemical spills into containers where they can safely dispose of them without endangering anyone else in their vicinity.

  • They Can Be An Effective Way To Contain Dust

Dust can be a significant issue in factories, especially regarding workers’ respiratory health. Conveyors are an effective way to contain dust and other particles that might otherwise be floating around. Conveyors can be used to contain dust in the air or even on the floor by providing a protective barrier that prevents dirt from coming into contact with workers’ feet.

  • Decrease Fire Risk

Conveyors can reduce the risk of fire by removing combustible materials from the factory floor.

Removing combustible materials from your factory floor is one of the most effective ways to reduce fire risk. Many conveyor systems have a built-in safety feature that prevents them from starting up if flammable materials are on board. This also cuts down on injuries and damage since employees are less likely to be injured by falling objects like pallets carrying hazardous material.
Conveyors can also help keep employees out of dangerous areas where they could accidentally start a fire or hurt themselves if something falls off a conveyor belt. Not only will you keep your workers safe in these situations, but they’ll also be able to focus on their actual job duties instead of worrying about dangerous conditions around them or taking time away from their primary responsibilities in order to move pallets around manually (which can lead to accidents).


Overall, conveyors can help your factory floor run smoothly and safely. They decrease manual lifting, reduce material handling hazards, automate processes, improve overall organization and keep employees safe on the conveyor system. Conveyors also enhance productivity and efficiency by improving workflow and eliminating waste. 
If you’re looking to increase safety in your factory or need a way to move materials efficiently from one place to another, then a conveyor is definitely worth considering!


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