Walter P Moore Expands Florida Presence

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Walter P Moore Expands Florida Presence

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Global engineering firm Walter P Moore opens its 24th domestic office in Miami, Florida, expanding its presence in South Florida. The Miami office officially opened on June 1, 2022.“Our move into Miami represents an incredible opportunity to leverage our entire platform while bringing value to our clients. Opening the office presents unique opportunities to help us maintain existing relationships and build new client connections in several of our target market sectors,” says Dilip Choudhuri, President and CEO of Walter P Moore.

Randy Beard, a Senior Principal and Managing Director for the firm’s Diagnostics Group, will be leading a team of experts focusing on forensic investigations for building enclosure and structural deterioration, as well as failures, condition assessments, repair, and restoration design for the built environment.“For many years, we have been working toward deepening our roots and expanding our services in the Miami area. With this office opening, our team is now optimized to serve our many Miami-based clients and strengthen our connection to the Latin American markets,” says Dr. Gabriel Jiménez, Managing Principal and Executive Director of Walter P Moore’s Diagnostics Group.Walter P Moore specializes in a variety of offerings including insurance and litigation support, waterproofing, materials consulting, assessments and repairs, corrosion mitigation, bridge assessment, civil engineering, water resources, traffic engineering, structural engineering, enclosure engineering, parking services, secure design, and construction engineering.

About Walter P Moore  /
Walter P Moore is an international company of engineers, innovators, and creative people who solve some of the world’s most complex structural and infrastructure challenges. Providing structural, diagnostics, civil, traffic, parking, transportation, enclosure, and construction engineering services. We design solutions that are cost- and resource-efficient, forward-thinking, and help support and shape communities worldwide. Founded in 1931, Walter P Moore’s 700+ professionals work across 24 U.S. offices and six international locations. 


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