Owens Corning Sustainability & Renewable Energy

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Owens Corning Sustainability & Renewable Energy

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Owens Corning (NYSE:OC) announced more ambitious sustainability goals to reduce greenhouse gas and toxic air emissions, along with new renewable power initiatives that will continue to expand the company’s impact through sustainability.
“Owens Corning has a history of promoting energy efficiency through our products, our suppliers and our operations,” said Chairman and CEO Mike Thaman. “Today’s announcements reflect a continuation of our company’s history of being a good steward of the environment.”
The key elements of the company’s announcement include:

  • Executing power supply agreements of new installed capacity that represent the largest wind power agreements reported by an industrial company in the world1;
  • Dedicating a 2.4 megawatt solar canopy at the company’s headquarters in Toledo that is expected to supply approximately 30 percent of the facility’s annual electricity needs, and offset the equivalent greenhouse gases emitted from the commute of its local workforce;
  • Establishing new 2020 sustainability goals to reduce greenhouse gas intensity by 50 percent and toxic air emissions intensity by 75 percent from its 2010 baseline.

“Our new sustainability goals are ambitious and impactful. Importantly, they are made more achievable by these large scale renewable energy actions and by partnering with leading providers of solar photovoltaic systems to continue our leadership in this area,” said Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer Frank O’Brien-Bernini.
O’Brien-Bernini noted that the wind energy deal will:

  • Generate the equivalent electricity to that needed to power more than 65,000 U.S. homes; and
  • Support the wind power industry by enabling the construction of new wind power assets, a market to which the company supplies high performance glass fiber reinforcements for wind turbine blades.

“Our new greenhouse gas reduction goal is informed by science-based methodologies that are designed to reduce carbon emissions enough to limit global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial temperatures,” said O’Brien-Bernini. “We have taken an important step in aligning our goals consistent with the scientific consensus on what’s needed.”
Owens Corning’s 2014 Sustainability Report and a downloadable summary progress report are available online at:  https://sustainability.owenscorning.com.
Specific information about the company’s greenhouse gas intensity reduction can be found at: https://sustainability.owenscorning.com/environmental/footprint/greenhouse-gas/
Specific information about the company’s toxic air emissions can be found at: https://sustainability.owenscorning.com/environmental/footprint/toxic-air-emissions/
About Owens Corning
Owens Corning (NYSE:OC) develops manufactures and markets insulation, roofing and fiberglass composites. Global in scope and human in scale, the company’s market-leading businesses use their deep expertise in materials, manufacturing and building science to develop products and systems that save energy and improve comfort in commercial and residential buildings. Through its glass reinforcements business, the company makes thousands of products lighter, stronger and more durable. Ultimately, Owens Corning people and products make the world a better place. Based in Toledo, Ohio, Owens Corning posted 2014 sales of $5.3 billion and employs about 15,000 people in 26 countries. It has been a Fortune 500® company for 61 consecutive years. For more information, please visit www.owenscorning.com.
1 Based on global publically-available data collected and analyzed by the Rocky Mountain Institute’s Business Renewable Center.


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