The Need For Commercial Buildings Wastewater Mgmt

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The Need For Commercial Buildings Wastewater Mgmt

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The growth in the world’s population has resulted in the expansion of cities and suburbs, consequently leading to an increased number of commercial buildings. Such establishments have become significant contributors to wastewater. It’s essential to enforce proper management measures because failure to do so may lead to water contamination, scarcity of water, the spread of waterborne diseases, soil degradation, and poisoning of the ecosystem. 
For this reason, every commercial building manager must come up with effective wastewater management procedures. Below are the key benefits of this move:

  • Compliance With Regulatory Requirements

The Australian Government provides guidelines on the quality of wastewater that should be discharged into local waterways. In essence, the effluent should be in a state that doesn’t pose any potential harm to the environment, as this is risky to the ecosystem. 
To achieve this, you may consider pretreating wastewater using a containerized chemical dosing system. This technique can measure and modulate pH levels and get rid of contaminants such as solvents, metals, cleaners, oils, and chemicals. The resultant effluent is safe enough for release into the environment.

  • Provides Safe And Clean Water

Wastewater management encompasses water treatment. Instead of discarding used water, you may consider recycling it. Remember, commercial buildings use massive amounts of water. Supplying such an enormous amount of clean water every day is indisputably costly. The good thing is that wastewater can undergo treatment and become usable for the following activities:

  • Cleaning office floors, walls, and windows
  • Flushing the toilet
  • Irrigating farms and lawns outside the building
  • Running cooling towers

  • Saves Money 

Money is a crucial part of business, and all companies hope to make a profit in the long run. Proper wastewater management is one way to save money. By recycling wastewater, you keep the cash you would have used to supply clean water to the building.
Also, violation of government regulations regarding the quality of wastewater released into the ecosystem could lead to huge fines and possible lengthy jail terms for the managers. Having effective wastewater management procedures in place eliminates the possibility of getting fined, thus saving money.

  • Environmental Benefits

Proper management of wastewater ensures that wastewater is deposited where it can be used rather than in the waterways. Nutrient-rich wastewater in lakes and rivers could cause eutrophication, which results in algal bloom and the death of marine creatures. All this could be avoided by proper management of the waste.
Having proper systems in your commercial buildings ensures that your environmental impact is beneficial, not detrimental. Consequently, associated stakeholders will view your company as ethical and environmentally friendly, influencing them to keep doing business with you. Your tenants will also stick around for long, knowing that their stay in your building isn’t harmful to the environment.

  • Better Sustainability

Wastewater management is a significant factor in sustainability. In this context, sustainability may be described as living within the limits of available physical and natural resources in a manner that ensures the ecosystem thrives perpetually.
By recycling wastewater and ensuring all discharge is toxin-free, your commercial building may be considered as operating sustainably in that it doesn’t pose a significant risk to the environment.

  • Reduced Disease And Poisoning Risk

Untreated wastewater is a notorious breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms. For instance, exposure to raw sewage can cause diseases like giardiasis, hepatitis A, dysentery, typhoid fever, salmonellosis, gastroenteritis, and cryptosporidiosis, among many other harmful illnesses. It’d be uncaring for the management of any commercial building to subject the tenants to conditions that may lead to such diseases.
Additionally, wastewater contains toxins, which may poison any person or animal coming into contact with it. For instance, nitrogen and phosphorus are two common toxins in wastewater, and they’re known to cause mass fish killings. By enforcing effective wastewater treatment systems, you considerably reduce the risk of disease and poisoning to the tenants and other living creatures in the vicinity of the building. 
Proper wastewater management is an essential component of operating a commercial building. Generally, such management is subject to local and state regulations, which include quality standards that wastewater should meet before being discharged into water bodies. In actual fact, various environmental bodies are now rallying for the closure of companies causing pollution. Hence, wastewater management and other ecological practices may be a factor affecting business longevity.
Aside from compliance with government regulations, wastewater management also helps in disease prevention and enables you to save money through recycling and avoidance of fines. Ultimately, these efforts make your commercial building more environmentally friendly, which goes a long way towards winning long-term tenants.


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