Kristi Gordon Joins HOK’s St. Louis Office

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Kristi Gordon Joins HOK’s St. Louis Office

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HOK St. Louis adds Marketing Coordinator
Kristi Gordon has joined HOK as a marketing coordinator in St. Louis. She will work with the team strategizing and producing responses to requests for information and proposals and other marketing content.
Gordon joins HOK from Staples Promotional Products, where she was a business strategist. She received a bachelor’s degree in graphic design and a bachelor’s degree in communications from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 2008.
HOK is a global design, architecture, engineering and planning firm celebrating 60 years of design and innovation in 2015. Through a network of 25 offices worldwide, HOK provides design excellence and innovation to create places that enrich people’s lives and help clients succeed. DesignIntelligence has ranked HOK as a leader in sustainable and high-performance design for six consecutive years and recently named HOK the #1 most-admired firm for leadership in technology innovation.


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With a philosophy that education is a cornerstone of career advancement, the Women of the Vine & Spirits Foundation has awarded $863,545 in scholarships since its inception in 2017. Providing scholarships to support educational and professional development, the non-profit continues to propel its mission of cultivating and

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