WoodWorks Hosts Seminar in Georgia

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WoodWorks Hosts Seminar in Georgia

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Woodworks 10215
The Wood Products Council’s WoodWorks program is hosting a lunch seminar in Atlanta, Ga., presented by Bruce Lindsay, South Atlantic Regional Director, WoodWorks. 
Introduction to Wood
This presentation will provide an introductory review of allowable uses and best design practices associated with wood-frame construction. Structural wood design for vertical (gravity) loads including bending, shear, deflection, vibration, tension, compression, and connections will be introduced. Common wood-framed lateral force-resisting systems will be discussed as will the components included in wood shear walls. Design and detailing best practices for wood-frame buildings will be explained in an effort to highlight the items that play an important role in the construction process and ultimate building performance.
Education Credits:  Attendees can earn 2.0 AIA/CES LUs (HSW) or PDH credits.
Who:  This seminar is intended for engineers, architects, builders and others with an interest in the design and construction of non-residential and multi-family wood buildings. To learn about WoodWorks and for information about free project assistance, additional education opportunities, and other resources, visit woodworks.org. 
Where:  McCormick & Schmick’s Seafood & Steaks
600 Ashwood Parkway
Atlanta, GA  30338
When: November 4, 2015
On-site check-in: 9:00 a.m.
Program and lunch: 9:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Cost:  $20 per attendee, includes lunch. Limited seating.
Registration:   woodworks.org/events-calendar/upcoming


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