Full Sail Partners, Celebrates its 10-Year Anniversary

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Full Sail Partners, Celebrates its 10-Year Anniversary

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Project-based technology consulting firm, Full Sail Partners, officially celebrated its 10th anniversary on May 1, 2022. However, since the new year began, the firm has been commemorating this milestone in a variety of fun ways with the most talented consultants in the world of Deltek. Future celebratory plans include hosting a client event at the end of the year at Deltek ProjectCon, Deltek’s annual customer conference.
For the last decade, Full Sail Partners has been a recognized leader in the Deltek professional services ecosystem focused on innovative and client-focused solutions and providing business consulting, technology solutions, system implementations, software training, application hosting and data migration services. Although Full Sail Partners was newly formed in 2012, the firm in other iterations has more than a 20-year history of servicing Deltek clients. In 2014, the four current owners took ownership from its founder, Kevin P. O’Connor. Since then, the number of employees has expanded 131%, and revenue has increased 145% over its 10-year history.
Today, the firm continues to be the recognized technology leader by Deltek, clients, and other technology partners. The firm launched its Blackbox Connector product in 2015 increasing the team’s integration capabilities by being able to connect clients’ front-end and back-end systems. Full Sail Partners has received Deltek’s North America Reseller of the Year award four times and the Marketing Excellence award four times throughout its 10-year history. For the past four years, the firm has also been recognized by Client Savvy and PSMJ Resources for its relentless commitment to cultivating strong customer loyalty and its focus on the customer experience.
Reflecting on 10 years in business, Sarah Gonnella, VP of Marketing and Sales, stated, “Full Sail Partners’ success is attributed to its employees’ deep-rooted collaborative, innovative and forward-thinking approach. In order to accomplish this, it has required a team of leaders that understood clients are happier when employees are happy.” Sarah added, “The significance of this milestone demonstrates that our clients and employees believe the work we do adds value to their lives and companies.”
The other leaders at Full Sail Partners additionally give recognition and praise for the accomplishments of the firm to both its clients and talented staff:
“Over the past decade, the Full Sail Partners’ consulting team has served thousands of clients helping them to gain efficiencies with their Deltek Vision and Vantagepoint systems. Additionally, the Full Sail Partners’ team overall has achieved many amazing accomplishments as we have continued to expand our services and develop solutions to meet the growing needs of our clients. It is truly a pleasure to work with each and every one of our amazing team members,” noted Scott Seal, VP of Consulting.
“It has been a deep honor for me to have had the opportunity to join forces with such amazing people. The amount of teamwork demonstrated by the group has always been our greatest strength. The family at Full Sail Partners has always been fully focused on innovation, while using the best practices, to fully meet the unique needs of our clients,” stated Wendy Gustafson, General Manager.
“For the last 10 years, I am so privileged to have been part of a firm where innovation is a mainstay. A firm where we have such incredible talent that enables this innovation to happen. Looking back at what we have accomplished over the last decade is truly outstanding and I’m excited to see what we are able to accomplish in the next 10,” stated Wes Renfroe, VP of IT.
As part of the continuing 10-year anniversary celebration, Full Sail Partners will be selling a cookbook filled with recipes from its employees. Each employee that submits a recipe will be nominating a charity of his/her choice. Any funds raised will be then given to the charity that is voted upon by Full Sail Partners’ clients.
Connecting thousands of project-based firms, Full Sail Partners identifies critical resources to create fast, efficient, and cohesive companies. As a Deltek Premier Partner and creator of the Blackbox Connector, our team helps professional services firms fully integrate their business processes by connecting their front-end and backend systems. We provide technology consulting, business solutions and application hosting for both Vision and Vantagepoint. Full Sail Partners has received the Deltek Partner of the Year and the Marketing Excellence Award multiple times throughout our firm’s history. Keep Your Business on Course.
For more information, please contact Full Sail Partners’ Marketing and Communications Department or visit the Full Sail Partners’ website at https://www.fullsailpartners.com.


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