Mosaic Construction renovates office for return at Novel Coworking in Illinois

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Mosaic Construction renovates office for return at Novel Coworking in Illinois

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As Chicago begins re-opening workplaces this month, many companies are contemplating a return to work and what safe office spaces might look like. Mosaic Construction LLC, has just completed such a renovation, delivering a suite of private offices within Novel Coworking on the top floor of 420 West Huron Street in the River North area of downtown Chicago. The 4,500 square foot renovated Smart Suite has been constructed to create a large open area with dedicated space for two private offices, a huddle room, and a phone booth for private calls. Facing south, the office is bathed in natural light throughout the day and features glass panels and doors, as well as a full-size private kitchenette.

Built to accommodate a truly connected, flexible and healthy working environment, Mosaic Construction worked with the Novel Coworking-led team of architects and mechanical engineers to install the latest electric and data/voice locations on the poles and perimeter wall to handle increased capacity of a modern, data-driven, connected workforce.


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The Construction Ready “2025 CareerExpo & SkillsUSA State Championships” is gearing up to inspire the next generation of skilled workers. Taking place on Feb. 20-21 at the Georgia World Congress Center, this two-day event will bring more than 9,000 K-12 and college students face-to-face with

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