9 Packing Hacks Everyone Needs To Know

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9 Packing Hacks Everyone Needs To Know

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Packing – let’s be honest – is the most hated part of moving, and it requires a lot of strategic thinking. Packing all those boxes, bubble-wrapping the delicates, and labeling everything can be overwhelming. Nonetheless, it is one of those trials almost everyone must face, eventually. So if you are wondering where to start, we’d suggest you take the procrastination mask off and tidy yourselves up a bit because being in the zone is an essential part of packing. 
There are several ways to pack faster and ultimately make the process go slicker than it might be otherwise. Don’t believe us? Try these top packing hacks for yourself and learn all the fantastic and inventive ways to improve your move: 

  1. Determine what stays and what goes 

One of the first tricks of packing for a move is having the courage to say goodbye to your unused or unwanted belongings. That might be a complicated process, but will you ever wear them if you haven’t worn that pair of high heels in the last 365 days? Put those babies in a box and sell or donate them. 
You might also want to go through your out-of-season belongings and be wise when choosing what to do with them. Of course, the best option would be to lock them up in a rental storage compartment. Moreover, rental storage units are almost available in every state, so you shouldn’t have trouble finding a solution for your belongings. For example, suppose you are moving to a town rich in commerce, transportation, and culture (like Hudson, New York). In that case, you have a plethora of options to choose from. By browsing for the “best  Hudson self storage units near me,” you can manage the upkeep of your out-of-season belongings. 
Furthermore, a big move is an excellent opportunity to get rid of items you never use while also putting extra money in your pocket. Alternatively, put everything in boxes and determine what goes where. 

  1. Purchase high-quality moving boxes.  

It’s enticing to go to your local supermarket and try to score some free boxes. On the other hand, moving boxes are comparatively cheap, and the added sturdiness may be worth the cost. Furthermore, re-used moving and grocery boxes can become soiled due to wear and tear, humidity or a bug plague. The last thing you want is a box to fall apart in your hand as you try to move it into the house. 

  1. Sort all of your belongings into distinct categories.  

This is a straightforward step. All kitchen supplies should be together, and all cleaning supplies should be together. When you start mixing your belongings, you’ll have a problem after you move. While packing everything you own into a box may be more straightforward, it makes unpacking more difficult. If you take the time to pack carefully, your future self will thank you. 

  1. Refrain from reminiscing  

It’s too easy to become engrossed in a photo album or toy and get lost down Memory Lane. We’ve been there, and we know you shouldn’t either. However, taking the time to look back on every item you own will consume your time, and you’ll long for the days when you’re trying desperately to finish packing the night before you move. So instead, we recommend saving it for when you’re  unpacking and have plenty of time. 

  1. Play Tetris with your possessions  

Have you ever mastered the game of Tetris? No? Don’t worry, there is no time limit in this game. When packing, ensure there are no empty spaces in your boxes. Space allows your possessions to move around and possibly break. The lack of space also increases the risk of crushing. Make use of every available nook and cranny by filling spaces between larger, extra rigid items with packing materials or gentle objects such as your clothes. 

  1. Stock up on kitchen packing materials.  

Packing everyday tupperware, silverware, bakeware, and dishes separately is good. Bubble wrap, corrugated cardboard, or crumbled newspaper will help keep your fragile items from breaking. Still, you can pack breakable items with almost anything. To make buffers, use dish towels or even paper plates. 
It would help if you also carefully packed ceramics, crystal, china, and keepsakes with plenty of padding and proper labels. 

  1. Pack these items separately from the rest of your belongings.  

Take into account what should not be packed in the moving truck because some items can be dangerous during the moving process. It is better to move them singly or dispose of them before proceeding. You should also pack all painting supplies, tools, and cleaning chemicals in clearly labeled boxes. 
To avoid dangerous or messy leaks, consider using plastic totes. Medications and bottles should be packed together and kept separate from other belongings. Other items to pack separately include: 

  • Ammonia 
  • Heating agents 
  • Varnishes and paints 
  • Fire extinguishers 
  • Chlorine granules 

1. Take care of the minor details.  
When people pack for a move, they neglect many minor details. For example, don’t buy any grocery items before the big move for a week or so. If you buy groceries, you will be wasting a lot of food that will not survive the journey. Also, remember to bundle all of your toiletries in Ziploc bags —you don’t want to empty your boxes and find yourself cleaning up a sticky shampoo explosion. 
2. Place the remainder of your linens and clothing in a trash bag.  
You can pack your clothes in a variety of ways. You can quickly load the rest in a trash bag after using some of them as packing materials, making it a little more straightforward without using a box. Keep your hanging clothes on hangers and get a box with a shaft so you can transport them all quickly and hang them right back up in the new place. You can also keep them on the hanger but wrap them in a trash bag to preserve them instead of using a box. There are numerous options for relocating clothing! 
Packing in advance and properly can make things much more manageable. The trick is to have a plan. Using these packing hacks for the move, you can cut down on some of the additional stress that comes with relocation and start the life you’ve always dreamt of – in your new house. So what’s the hold-up? Get your boxes ready and make every second of the experience count! 


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