7 Stylish Ideas to Give Your Business a Quality Interior

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7 Stylish Ideas to Give Your Business a Quality Interior

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Recent studies have found that brick and mortar businesses are beginning to suffer. This comes, in part, in response to the surge of e-commerce and remote services in the past decade. However, business experts suggest that the demise of brick and mortar businesses reflects the failure to refurbish and modernize.
If you want your business to thrive in the 21st century, you need to have a quality interior. You want your business to look fresh and professional while also creating the warmth and comfort clients crave.
How do you make that happen without breaking the bank or overwhelming your staff?
Read on for 7 tips to create a stylish, quality interior with ease.

  1. Soften Your Lighting

Harsh overhead lighting is never inviting. Retail spaces tend to come equipped with fluorescent tube lighting that is covered with a long, rectangular fixture. This bright, sterile light looks unnatural and can cause headaches and other physical discomforts.
Consider replacing your lighting fixtures with something more modern. Pendant light fixtures add postmodern flare at a much lower cost than, say, an extravagant chandelier. If possible, rely on the natural light sifting through your windows throughout the day.

  1. Bring Some Class to Your Handrails

If your business has steps or ramps, you need handrails in order to meet ADA standards. Most businesses opt for a thin metal railing because it is cheap and easy to install. However, it’s not doing much for the appearance of your business.
Consider replacing your metal handrails with a finely crafted wooden railing like the ones offered by Baird Brothers Fine Hardwoods. These wooden fittings are both classy and classic! You can stay ADA compliant while creating a more professional and sophisticated look.

  1. Avoid Overcrowding

It’s natural to want to optimize your space, but avoid overcrowding in the process. Just because you can fit a dozen cubicles and three different meeting tables in your business doesn’t mean that you should.
When a space is overcrowded, it creates unnecessary obstacles that affect our mental state. Balancing displays, seating areas, and decor with empty space create a much more calming feeling that will put your clients in the right headspace to work with you.

  1. Liven Up the Space with Plantlife 

If you’re going to fill dead space with anything, it should be plantlife. Adding some greenery can take a dull business and turn it into a lively, comfortable environment.
Start with a mix of standing plants like bamboo and large fiddle leaf fig trees. Add some smaller plants like ferns, succulents, and spider plants. Then, take advantage of your ceilings and draw the eye upward with hanging ivy plants.
Plants don’t just look good! They can actually combat dry indoor air and help to regulate your business’s temperature. Plus, they add a natural, fresh smell to the air that helps employees and clients to relax.

  1. Boost Your Color Scheme With Paint and Wallpaper 

You’d be surprised at how much life a fresh coat of paint can bring to a space. Plus, paint can actually help you to brand your business.
Consider the color scheme of your branding materials. Pick one or two colors from your logo or web design that will translate well to your walls. It is ideal to choose colors that aren’t dark enough to drown out your natural light or bright enough to create a jarring effect.
In addition, use bold wallpaper to create an accent wall. Repetitive, geometric patterns are in fashion right now and an accent wall shows that you are trendy, modern, and even a little bit whimsical.

  1. Upgrade Your Seating

Whether your meetings with clients last twenty minutes or two hours, it’s important that you have comfortable seating. Why not replace your meeting table and chairs with luxurious lounge chairs equipped with small, independent work stations? Sturdy tray tables outfitted with an outlet or two are perfect places to rest your laptop or sign a few contracts.
If you can’t do away with the large, rectangular table, make sure that your chairs are still in working condition. Check the lumbar support and height adjustability. If they’re a little worse for the wear, it’s time to replace them.

  1. Create an Amenities Bar

What do you offer your clients when they come in for meetings? Whether it’s a bottle of water, a cup of coffee, or a full lunch, consider creating an amenities bar.
Upcycle a vintage cabinet or go for a new, sleek bar table and load it up with goodies. This can include pitchers of lemon or cucumber water, portable pots of freshly brewed coffee, and fresh fruit. You can also throw in a variety of easy to eat snacks like granola bars, pretzels and hummus, and cubed cheeses.
Invite your clients to pick from a variety of foods and beverages as they please. Not only is this a sign of a good host but it’s a great way to entice them to come back in the future. Plus, the bar setup will look modern and fun.
A Quality Interior Indicates a Quality Business
Whether you’re trying to make a good first impression on a new client or wow a returning client, quality interior design indicates that you are running a quality business. All it takes is a few simple, low-cost upgrades to take control of your business’s image and set yourself apart from the competition.
Looking for inspiration for your next big renovation or construction project? Bookmark our page and take a look at the latest construction news.


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