7 Easy Ways to Increase Your Home’s Value

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7 Easy Ways to Increase Your Home’s Value

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Your home is one of your biggest investments. Not only is it perspectively an investment, as its value will increase, but it is the space where you spend most of your life, and the quality of your life will be determined by the state of your home. So let’s check out what are some things that you can do to increase your home’s value without blowing a hole through your budget.

Get Your Walls Together

Our walls are the foundation of the home. We tend not to pay attention to them and just see them as a backdrop, but over time, they bring in a lot of energy to the room. If you have white walls that have gotten dusty and scuffed over the years, a fresh lick of paint will make your room literally shine. If you have holes in the walls from where pictures hung, patch them up and they will look as good as new. The experts at this website put this at the top of the list for repairs that need to be done before trying to sell. It makes sense, though, as a house with freshly painted walls will give the impression that the entire home has been maintained.

Trim the Outdoors

If you have an outdoor space, you want to make sure you are using the most of it. This might mean planting a tree that will grow to create some beautiful shade in the garden, or it can be maintaining a tidy hedge around the property and the grass at a nice length. What you don’t want is to have a garden overflowing with weeds and vines climbing up to where they’re not supposed to, because that will make it look like a haunted house, rather than a house in the prairie.

Make it Efficient

This is a long-term investment and one that you’ll want to make if you’re planning to spend a few good years in the home after you do it. Making the house energy efficient by insulating it properly, replacing any leaky doors and windows, and making sure the bills aren’t any higher than needed, will raise its value for any potential buyers because it cuts their costs in the long run.

Increase the Square Footage

The main thing a potential buyer will look for is the usable square footage – usable being the important word there. But you should also focus on getting as many rooms out of the home as you can. So if you have a walk-in closet that doesn’t need to be there because there’s plenty of space for a closet in the rooms, why not make it into a nursery?

Renovate Your Bathroom

Most furniture gets taken out of the home when you sell, but not the bathrooms. This means that potential buyers will be looking closely at the state of your bathrooms and calculating whether it will all need to be replaced. But if you do it now, you will not only have a beautiful new bathroom to enjoy while you’re living there, but you will be adding to the value of the home. Buyers don’t look only at how much the upgrade will cost, but how much time it will take them to change it.

Regular Maintenance and Repairs

When was the last time you had a professional come and check your plumbing, or your electricity or measure if there’s any mold in the air? Probably not in a long time. We don’t tend to think about that because they’re not some changes we can see with our eyes. However, you will find that if you mention that there were regular repairs on the home to a buyer, they will be very pleased and more likely to accept a higher price.

Unify it

If we’ve been in a home for a long time, we get accustomed to every detail in there and we don’t see that altogether, it doesn’t actually look that great. The walls are a different color in each room, the wood finished on different pieces of furniture don’t match, and the house just feels a bit disjointed. Get some design magazines and try to invest yourself in finding a style that can flow through the whole house. If your house looks like it came from the front page of a magazine, people will be willing to pay a lot more for it!
When and if you one day decide to sell, you’ll be very happy you maintained your home in good condition. You don’t have to do a huge overhaul to raise its value in the last second. Use the above-mentioned tips and you’re good to go!


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