5 Tips for Adding a Water Feature to Your Garden

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5 Tips for Adding a Water Feature to Your Garden

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For many people, building a water feature in their garden is a dream. But knowing where to start can be a little overwhelming. To help, here we break down 5 tips, to assist you to feel more confident about constructing the water structure you have always wanted.

1. Use the Right Tools

The last thing you want to do when building your water feature is hurt yourself. So, whether you are constructing a small corner of your garden, or aiming for something a little bigger, plan, budget, and buy the right tools. This will be everything from the spades, larger excavation equipment, plastic tarpaulin, pegs, pumps, concrete, and stone.
While pools are going to need outside help, with all water features you will need to plan with the same level of detail and precision.

2. Consider Solar Power

One of the downsides of building a water feature is that it will continue to incur costs long after it has been constructed. This is because water will be needed for replenishing it, and electricity will be needed to power the pumps.
One of the best ways to save on these costs is by adding a solar power source. The average cost of PV solar panels has dropped by 70% since 2014, and so solar is now becoming affordable. It not only helps to save you money on electricity, but it has the added benefit of being good for the environment.

3. Check for Local Regulations

The next thing to do is check your local regulations. We know — it’s inconvenient, and it seems unfair when the land belongs to you. But it is by far the smartest thing to do in the long-term and will make sure that your relations with neighbors remain friendly. The last thing you need is to have to pull down your lovely new creation.
Depending on where you live, regulations will differ. But they can often be found on your local department website, or your local representative’s team is likely to have more details for you. After all, water features are a very popular kind of project.

4. Work with a Leveler

If you live in a hillier part of the country, you will already be familiar with the necessities of leveling out parts of your garden. Whether putting out decking or making your garden more family-friendly, landscaping is always important. Building a water feature is no different – you will have to work with a leveler tool to help you to build on, or create flat ground. You will also need to call in professionals to help flatten your land for larger projects.

5. Prepare Grass Seed for Regrowth

When you have spent time building your water feature, the surrounding garden area is going to look a bit messy. The soil will have been dug up and will need to be arranged to make the garden look pristine again. To prepare for this, you can buy grass seed. Then, once your water feature is finished you can simply sprinkle the seed onto the soil, water it, and let nature do the rest.
This process can be very relaxing. As well as giving you a beautiful surrounding area for your new water feature, gardening is known to be good for your health.

Build Your Dream Water Feature

If you have always wanted to build a water feature, know that it can be a simple, fun project for your garden. Follow these 5 tips, and you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a beautifully upgraded space outdoors.


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