5 Reasons your Excel Files get Damaged & Corrupted

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5 Reasons your Excel Files get Damaged & Corrupted

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Microsoft Excel is a common spreadsheet program used across a wide range of businesses and institutions to organize, format, and perform data calculations. It’s versatile and reliable, which is why so many people use it. A lot of people and companies rely on Excel files, big and small, to keep their day-to-day lives and operations functioning.
However, the software can also be super sensitive. Files can get corrupted for seemingly arbitrary reasons. This is why having some basic xls repair knowledge can go a long way. If you’re not careful and aware of how this can happen, files can get completely ruined, which is a headache to deal with. Whenever possible, it’s best to avoid practices that can lead to corrupt Excel files. We’ll go over the most common ways Excel files can get damaged or corrupted and give you a few tips on how to avoid this happening.

  1. Turning your computer off suddenly

When you hard-reset your computer, or even if a power failure like a blackout shuts down your system, files you had open at the time of shutdown could become corrupted. To avoid this, don’t keep Excel files open while you’re not using them. Of course, this doesn’t completely avoid the problem. The reality is that sometimes, systems fail, and computers can shut down unexpectedly for many reasons. Unfortunately, power-outages are out of your control. But keeping your open files to a minimum can significantly reduce your chances of this happening to your files.
This precaution comes with a side benefit. It’s not great for your computer’s performance to keep multiple files open anyway. And if you collaborate with other people on Excel spreadsheets, closing them when you’re not using them can avoid accessibility issues.

  1. Virus attacks

Viruses and security issues are some of the most common ways your Excel files can get corrupted. Luckily, it’s an issue that can mostly be avoided by keeping your system’s anti-virus protection updated.

  1. Hard disk failure

If your hard disk fails, or if your hard disk has bad or corrupted sectors on it where Excel files are stored, that can easily damage your files. You can’t always avoid this (except by taking care of your computers and only purchasing quality machines), but you can back up your files regularly, so you’re not completely left out to dry if it happens.

  1. Large file sizes

Excel files are designed to be able to handle a lot, but storing too much data in a single Excel file is playing with fire. If your spreadsheet starts lagging, that’s a sign you’re pushing Excel’s capabilities too far. Either split up the spreadsheet or move that data to data-management software that’s designed to handle oversized data sets.

  1. Excel system errors

Honestly, sometimes Excel files getting damaged just isn’t avoidable. Even the most reliable software breaks sometimes. This gives you another reason to back up your files regularly.
Knowing how to avoid damaging and corrupting your Excel files (insomuch as you’re able to) will go a long way to make sure your data stays functioning. Take the recommended steps to keep your Excel files healthy and working for you.


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