5 Places for Glass Top Extra Protection & Stylish Look

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5 Places for Glass Top Extra Protection & Stylish Look

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Glass furniture is very common these days. You can find it everywhere in every room. Although glass is an ancient invention, it is more popular these days due to its versatile use and minimum maintenance. Glass tops are one of these common items found in every room. Glass tops Not only give shine to a table or a furniture but also protect its surface from liquid spills. In this article we will cover a few places where you may need a glass top.
Dining tables
Whenever we think about a glass table top the first table which comes to our mind is a dining table. Because this table is used to serve food to all of your family members, it must be neat and clean and easy to sanitize. Glass top offers these all benefits at once at a minimum cost. Liquid spills are also very frequent on a dining table so glass tabletop and also protect your table surface. Dining table is a main item which should have a glass top on it.
Kitchen countertop
Nowadays kitchen countertops are very popular trend. People use different materials for their kitchen counter tops such as granite top stone countertops etc. Almost all of these materials are water resistant however they still can damage with the passage of time. So having an extra layer of protection is a wise decision. You can achieve this extra layer of protection with the help of a glass tabletop. A glass can be cut in any size to fit it on your kitchen countertop. This will not only protect look of your kitchen countertop but also minimize the maintenance required to keep the area clean
Coffee table
Coffee tables are also very common in living areas. And a glass tabletop will work perfect for these as well. You can also find a different design in a coffee table which have a plastic or a metal base and a glass top. Search table come in different unique styles and can also be customized according to your need
Dressing table
Dressing table is one of the important parts of our daily life. Although it Is not mostly used, it can lose its new look with the passage of time which can have an impact on the overall appearance of your room. So, protecting its top can have many benefits as well. You can simply add a glass top on its surface to add many years to its life.
Bathroom vanity top
Bathroom areas are mostly ignored when it comes to renovation however, they are still very important. You can add a color for the glass top to your vanity area to give it a new look. There are thousands of glass top options which you can use to renovate your bathroom vanity.
These were the few furniture items where you can use a glass table top not only for protection but also to give a new look to a dull looking furniture. There are many glass options available in the market which can be used different creative styles.


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