4 Steps to Remove Old Extension & Rejuvenate a Home

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4 Steps to Remove Old Extension & Rejuvenate a Home

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In the mid 20th century, it became popular to add extensions to homes. These structures created a roomier indoor space. But they weren’t always built with quality materials made to look great for a long time. Now, homeowners are faced with structures showing serious wear and tear or even in danger of falling.

Removing these extensions today is a must – the extensions look worn out and detract from the appeal of the building. While removal could mean a loss of square feet, getting rid of these structures often increases the value of a property by giving it a more modern feel.

Ready to get rid of that old extension on your home? Follow this guide, so you can get rid of the old and bring in a new, fresh look to your home.

Step 1: Arrange for Demolition of the Existing Extension

To get your renovation project off the ground, you’ve got to get rid of the existing dilapidated extension. But this is no small task.

Demolishing a structure by yourself requires the right tools and equipment to get the job done. But it can also be dangerous, particularly if the extension is structurally unsound. Plus, you’ll need to find a way to remove and transport the waste materials to a waste disposal facility, as well as pay for the cost of disposal.

Instead, hire a light demolition service from professionals. They have the skills and expertise needed to take your extension down safely and effectively. They can also clear and dispose of the waste materials at an affordable cost.

Step 2: Choose What to Replace It With

Once you’ve taken care of the demolition, it’s time to think about what’s going to replace your extension.

There’s a range of modern alternatives available to rejuvenate the look of the property. Installing bifold doors across the length of the rear of the property allows you to maximize the flow of light into the property. Natural light is not only beautiful but can even improve your health. You can easily push the doors back in hot weather or for a family barbecue for an open-air feel.
Alternatively, pivot doors offer a stylish, contemporary look that contrasts with the traditional architecture of an older building. A simple set of sliding doors also offer a modern feel with easy operation.

If you still need some extra space, you can even opt for a wrap-around extension. It offers the best of both worlds – ample indoor space and the benefits of natural light and ventilation. Luckily, if you live in London, there are plenty of options to choose from. A quick research will lead you to a variety of wrap around extension London specialists who can cater to your specific needs and budget. If you plan to sell the property in the future, a well-designed and executed wrap-around extension can significantly increase its value.

Step 3: Install Replacement Doors

Now that the extension has been demolished, and the materials disposed of, it’s time to install your replacement doors. It’s best to arrange for a contractor to carry out the work so that the installation is completed to a high standard that will last for years to come. It will also help ensure that the doors are ready to prevent air leaks.

Step 4: Landscape Your Garden

With the extension gone, and the new doors installed, you’ve suddenly created a large addition to the garden area. It’s time to figure out what to do with it.
You could simply grow grass in the area to add to the existing lawn. But why not add something new to your garden to add beauty or entertaining space to your garden.
This could be anything from a water feature to a patio or deck. And for those passionate about gardening, this is the perfect opportunity to try out new plants and flowers.

Enjoy Your Space

You’ve successfully transformed a decrepit, obsolete extension into a modern, bright living space with a bigger garden.
You’ve put in the time and work. Whether you’re planning to enjoy the renovation for years to come or you’re looking forward to an increased value of your home on the market, you’ll love the results.


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