4 Must-Have Eco Features for Your New Home

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4 Must-Have Eco Features for Your New Home

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More than ever before, homeowners are concerned about the impact that their house has on the world around them. Reducing your carbon footprint by implementing eco-friendly systems into your home has many benefits that go beyond sustainability.
New home construction projects are starting on the ground floor by including environmentally conscious aspects into their designs. From smart solar shingles to geothermal heating and cooling systems, the homes of today will have the least impact on the environment than at any other time in our history.
If your home is already built but you want to become more sustainable, there are eco-friendly features that you can add to your house. With some add-ons like metal roofing and solar power, you may even save some money on your homeowners insurance.  Let’s take a look at a few must-have eco features for your home.
Solar Power
As you drive through your neighborhood, you are likely seeing more and more solar panels up on the roofs of houses on every street. The reasons behind this expanding trend are both financial and environmental. Your entire home can be run from the power of the sun by using just a few panels that contain solar receptors. In fact, many homeowners produce so much energy that they can sell their surplus back to the government grid at a profit. 
Solar energy is clean, and you will no longer have to rely on fossil fuels to run your appliances, furnace, or lights. The deep cell batteries that store your accumulated solar power are manufactured in green factories making solar power one of the most eco-friendly ways to power your home.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to keep your home at a consistent temperature regardless of the season without having to use your furnace? It is possible to use the power of the earth to accomplish this. Just six feet below the surface of your foundation, the earth is always a consistent temperature; around 55 degrees Fahrenheit. By digging a horizontal trench leading up to your home and laying an airflow pipe, you can draw this warmed or cooled air into your home with the help of a solar fan. This system will keep your home cool in the summer, warm in the winter and eliminate much of your heating and cooling bills.
Solar Water Heater
How does unlimited hot water and no electricity bills sound? When you create a solar water heating system, that is what you get. Your solar heater is mounted to face the sun, generally on your roof, filled with water that is heated by the sun and then cycled down into your home. A catchment system will continually circulate the water through the system so that you have unlimited hot water.
Smart Thermostat
Smart devices use innovative artificial intelligence technology to make it easier to manage your home’s systems. A smart thermostat can help you set a customized program for your home heating and cooling needs and save you money. Your smart thermostat will begin to learn your habits and anticipate your needs so your home will always be comfortable and you won’t waste energy.Adopting eco-friendly features into your home has many benefits. You can save money, reduce your carbon footprint, and increase the value of your home. Take a closer look at some of these innovative sustainable features for your home today.


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