25+ Innovative Ways to Save Energy

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25+ Innovative Ways to Save Energy

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Are your electricity and water bills too high? If so, the solution isn’t always to find more money to pay for them. You can always reduce your power consumption in your household in practical ways. Thus, perhaps it’s time to rethink how you live at home — and we’ve got more than 25 ways you can follow.
Use cold water for cooking and for washing your hands
Utilize task lighting
Use motion detector lights
Replace your incandescent light bulbs
Don’t leave the fan on when you’re going out
Take measures when you’re using the water heater
Use your drapes and furniture relative to the sunlight
Don’t use the dry cycle feature of your dishwasher
Do your laundry and dishes when they are full
Consider the properties of your windows
Cover your food before putting it in the fridge
Use the right kind of water heater
Ditch the hot water for cold water during laundry
Defrost the freezer
Shower quickly
Put a lot of food in the freezer
Use the microwave
Don’t always fill the kettle
Check for leaks in the house
Get a rug to improve insulation
Get a smart thermostat
Make use of trees
Water the lawn early in the morning
Switch from a desktop to a laptop
Clean the coils of your fridge
Take advantage of smart power strips
Don’t let water flow when you’re not using it
Cover your cookware when in use
For more information, please click here.


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