Hydration and Nutrition: Key to Preventing Heat Stress in Construction

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Hydration and Nutrition: Key to Preventing Heat Stress in Construction

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preventing heat stress


With the increasing temperatures, construction workers often find themselves suffering from heat stress. Heat stress refers to the condition that exacerbates heat related illnesses owing to the temperature, choice of clothing, and other climatic factors resulting in heat strokes and other injuries.

The nature of the construction work is physically demanding, which adds extra pressure to the construction workers during warmer seasons. That’s why it’s essential to prevent heat stress by optimizing workers’ hydration and nutrition to ensure that they can protect themselves from the harsh weather conditions throughout the day. Healthy eating and drinking habits make up a large chunk of a healthy and safe construction working experience, so taking their health into account is important.

Comprehending The Impact Of Heat Stress On Construction Workers

While heat stress can result in heat related diseases in people from all walks of life, the impact of heat stress on construction workers is considerable. Since most of the construction workers find themselves working outdoors throughout the year, the chances of getting heat stress related illnesses such as severe dehydration, heat cramps, heat rashes, exhaustion, fainting and severe heat stroke.

All of these can result in dizziness, nausea, high body temperature, losing consciousness, and dry or damp skin. In extreme cases, heat strokes can be fatal, that’s why it’s essential to understand the role of hydration and nutrition in preventing heat stress among construction workers.

Importance Of Hydration For Preventing Heat Stress

While the importance of drinking enough water on a daily basis can never be stressed enough, the need for hydration becomes even more important when it comes to preventing heat stress in construction workers and others who have to step out of their homes in the scorching heat.

Since hydration is one of the most important factors to consider when it comes to preventing heat stress and keeping your body energized throughout the working hours, here’s how you can ensure that you’re getting enough H2O throughout the day.

Ways To Stay Hydrated As A Construction Worker

Begin The Day With Water

Irrespective of the weather, but especially during warmer seasons, make a habit to drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up. It will not only help you stay hydrated but will also activate your internal organs for the day ahead. Starting the day on a hydrated note can make it easy to drink 2 liters or 70 oz of water throughout the day. This will prevent you from falling prey to the risk of heat stress while you’re working outside.

Drink Before You Feel Thirsty

An important aspect of keeping your body hydrated is drinking plenty of water before you feel thirsty. Chances are that by the time you feel thirsty, your body is already dehydrated so it’s better to drink from time to time. Since sweating in the sun can evaporate your body’s H2O content even though your skin is damp, drinking at regular intervals will keep heat stress at bay and you’ll be able to work more efficiently.

Say No To Carbonated Beverages

All types of carbonated drinks, no matter how cool and chill they make you feel inside, dehydrate your body. This fact also stands true for any alcoholic beverage that you might want to take. Apart from their obvious drawbacks such as vision and hand-eye coordination impairment as well as unhealthy amounts of sugar, these drinks can severely dehydrate your body from the inside, increasing your chances of getting heat strokes and other illnesses related to heat stress.

Use Electrolytes For Energy

When sweating profusely, your body loses a lot of salt and water which needs to be replenished in order to maintain the equilibrium of your body and for you to beat heat stress. So drink water and beverages with high electrolytes. For instance, coconut water and lime juice are some of the best natural sources of electrolyte drinks. You can also try Gatorade and oral electrolyte solutions for an instant boost in your energy levels.

Cover Yourself

Our body regulates its internal temperature through sweating. That’s why it’s normal for you to sweat more than you normally do during the peak hot hours. To ensure that your skin is able to breathe through the process of sweating, wear clothes that are comfortable and breezy. Wearing synthetic clothes will clog your pores and stick to your skin making it difficult to work in the heat. It’ll also absorb heat faster, so choose cotton clothes with light colors to avoid heat stress. However, wearing half-sleeved shirts or capris can lead to sunburn, so cover yourself from head to toe to avoid getting direct sunlight on your skin.

Role Of Nutrition In Heat Stress Prevention

What you eat is as important as what and when you drink, if not more. Here’s what you need to add to your diet in order to prevent heat stress as a construction worker.


Foods rich in antioxidants are a powerhouse of energy and can help your immune system deal with heat stress to prevent heat related illnesses. Essentially, foods that are rich in antioxidants help slow down or prevent the impact of environmental stressors such as extreme heat on your body, making them a great way to prevent heat related illnesses in construction workers. While our body produces antioxidants in some amounts, it’s essential to supplement it with antioxidant rich food sources such as blueberries, kale, red cabbage, soft shell lobster, spinach, green tea, acai juice, and spices such as turmeric, ginger, rosemary, and parsley.

Vitamins And Minerals

Apart from antioxidants, a good serving of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C and E can prevent heat stress among construction workers if taken in a healthy amount. If you or someone you know is a construction worker, encourage them to add eggs, milk, nuts, meats, legumes, oats, fruits, fish, potato, spinach, kale, and collard green in their daily diet.

These dietary options are a treasure trove of essential nutrients, specifically minerals like zinc, selenium, copper and manganese, as well as vitamins with a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids, all of which are important to ensure health and beat heat stress. If nothing else, aim to have at least one lime or orange throughout the day which are the best source of vitamin C and will keep your immune system strong.

Protein And Fats

Protein is an essential macronutrient that’s responsible for repairing your cells after the usual wear and tear that your body goes through. It’s also responsible for preventing and aiding in subsiding the symptoms of heat stress. The best sources of protein include dairy, eggs, lean meat, nuts and seeds, tofu, chickpeas, and seafood such as fish and lobsters.

On the other hand, essential fats can reduce the amount of heat produced internally during the metabolic and digestion process which can help regulate the temperature of your body during heat stress to ensure that your body doesn’t fall prey to heat related illnesses. Good sources of healthy fats include avocados, olive oil, flaxseeds, beans and fish.


Apart from giving you energy to construction workers for a successful and productive day, carbohydrates can also prevent heat stress among construction workers. During hot weather, your body burns more carbohydrates to replenish your energy levels. Carbohydrates can also be a healthy way to beat heat cramps in summers. Whole wheat grains, quinoa, brown rice, pasta, sweet potatoes, noodles, crackers, and rice are good sources of carbohydrates and they can be easily consumed throughout the day.

How Can Employers Help?

If you’re an employer, you can help prevent heat stress among construction workers by designing and implementing employee-friendly policies that indicate when they should take breaks, how much water intake is important throughout the day, and the kind of diet they should follow in order to stay healthy. Providing your workers with knowledge and resources to take care of their health during scorching heat can help them prevent and reduce the chances of getting heat stress. You can also incorporate hydration and nutrition workshops in your workplace to help your workers throughout the year and increase their job satisfaction.

Final Thoughts

While hydration and nutrition play an important role in preventing heat stress and heat related illnesses in construction workers, it’s equally important to consider other factors such as choice of clothes and reliable employers who can help educate the construction workers regarding heat stress and equip them with knowledge and tools to beat the heat while working outdoors. Overall, the amalgamation of employers and workers to target the issue during the hot months can lead to a healthier and more productive workforce.

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